EDI – Electronic Data Interchange

EDI standards help define the method, process and agreements regarding electronic data interchange between organizations. Besides the harmonization, also legal framework conditions and process requirements are implemented.

The ARGE actively supports its members in four sectors of the field of EDI:

  • Consultation on the implementation of EDI in the organization, e.g. electronic invoice
  • Harmonization of industry- and corporate requirements
  • Internal and external process optimization
  • Increasing the EDI penetration rate in the industry

Working Group Harmonization EDI

The Working Group Harmonization EDI consists of representatives of the industry and the trade, and has been working for many years on the harmonization and standardization of electronic business information in subsets and via white paper. The focus is on the consistent and continuous implementation of new process requirements and of legal requirements that have to be integrated in the EDITEC subsets.

Working Group Process Optimization

This working group is responsible for improving existing business processes in the fields of OTC (Order to Cash: process in a company from placing an order to receiving payment) and Supply Chain. The committee has an interdisciplinary structure and regularly compiles information on the processes for all ARGE members. Currently, this includes the following subsets:

  • ORDERS and ORDRSP (order and order confirmation)
  • DESADV (despatch advice)
  • INVOICE / REMADV (invoice and remittance advice)
  • RETANN / RETINS (announcement for returns, instruction for returns)
  • INVRPT / SLSRPT (inventory report, sales data report)

Working Group EDI

The Working Group EDI focuses on developing measures to increase the EDI penetration rates. It is actively involved in the marketing of the topic to the industry and the trade and regularly initiates information events and workshops, in which e.g. also the current portfolio of service providers in the Supply Chain and the OTC process chain is presented.

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